Run/execution history!
under review
Tom Dawes
under review
Tom Dawes
If you save your code, you get a unique URL for that version that includes the execution traces. I'm guessing you'd like something a bit more visual though. Could you give an example of a question that you'd like this feature to answer?
Samir Talwar
Tom Dawes: I'd like to see every single run, not just the ones I save.
Mani Sarkar
Tom Dawes: Sure Tom, I was thinking something similar to how history works in many of the Jetbrain IDEs - see, a panel or tab on the left which I can navigate thru and see each of the code execution actions performed The rest of the interface would just like it does just now, reflecting the code snapshot and output for any selected item in the history. Unlike the Jetbrains IDE, I'm not suggesting display diffs between the runs, but that is another idea for discussion.
In IntelliJ, we also get to see a timestamp and also if an execution was a success or failure (if tests were run) - but this idea can be adapted to show if the program ran successfully or gave no output or threw an exception.
We can get creative and show anything meaningful and useful for the developer - does not have to be the exact idea others are demonstrating in their products.
Does this explain my initial suggestion - let me know if any part of it isn't clear.
Mani Sarkar
Samir Talwar: Only if Izzy approves :P